Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hello :)

I'm finally taking the plunge and starting this whole blogging thing. What better way to start off my blog than by linking up with Freebielicious and their Tell Me About You Tuesday linky party.

  1. I am a lover of lists, hence the list of things you should know about me :)
  2. I am a recent graduate of Brigham Young University. I completed a year-long internship in lieu of traditional student teaching. I am so grateful for that experience! 
  3. I teach first grade and it is definitely my niche. 
  4. I love to cook and I'm into photography. 
  5. I'm an Instagramaholic. I spend waaay too much time on there double tapping (follow me @meagan_nielsen)
  6. I'm also recently hopping on the Periscope wave. I haven't scoped anything yet, but I'm loving lurking around and getting great tips from other teachers. (You can follow me there too @meagan_nielsen)
  7. I am an organizational freak. Everything has to have a place. I'm obsessed with baskets, buckets, and anything else to keep things organized and looking pretty. 
  8. I'm a newbie to Teachers Pay Teachers. I love creating, especially digitally (mostly because there is always an undo button!). I have a few products in my store and some great freebies. I usually post at least two items a month. Go check it out!
  9. I am married to my wonderful husband. We've been married for almost 3 years. I'm so glad I get to spend every day with my best friend :)
  10. I love to read (like most teachers do :) One of my favorite times of the day is when I get to read stories to my students. I try to incorporate stories into as many lessons as I can. 
  11. In high school I was an athlete and I've just recently started working out on a regular basis. I'm loving Zumba and hating the treadmill. 
  12. I've wanted to be a teacher since I was in first grade. Before that I wanted to be a taxi. Not a taxi driver. Just a taxi. 
  13. I love to travel! I have goals to go to every state (I'm over half way there!) and to travel all over Europe as well as some countries in Central and South America. 
  14. I love bright colors. They make me happy :)
  15. If I have free time (which is not often) I can normally be found reading, organizing something or watching HGTV, Food Network or Once Upon a Time. 
Well that's a little bit about me! Look for future posts to learn more about me, my classroom and this crazy adventure called teaching. 


  1. I will have to check you out on instagram. That is my newest endeavor and I'm learning!

    Notes From the Portable

    1. Instagram is great! Definitely my favorite social media platform :) Thanks for following me!
